
What Are The Implications Of Civil Service Reform In Georgia

Ceremonious Service Reform

The Stalwarts, a faction of the Republican Political party in the late nineteenth century, opposed civil service reform and favored machine politics.

Learning Objectives

Summarize efforts fabricated to reform the ceremonious service arrangement

Central Takeaways

Key Points

  • During the Republican National Convention of 1880, the Half-Breeds advocated the candidacy of James Blaine of Maine for president. A stalemate occurred betwixt the One-half-Breeds and the Stalwarts, and a compromise was struck to nominate a decent, less abrasive man: James Garfield.
  • Instead of giving federal jobs to political supporters, Rutherford B. Hayes wished to award them past merit co-ordinate to an exam that all applicants would have. Immediately, Hayes's call for reform brought him into conflict with the Stalwart, or pro-spoils, co-operative of the Republican party.
  • Hayes fabricated strides toward eliminating political patronage in government jobs during his administration.

Fundamental Terms

  • reform: Amendment of what is defective, vicious, corrupt, or depraved.
  • Chester A. Arthur: (October five, 1829–November xviii, 1886) The 21st president of the United States (1881–1885), who took office after the assassination of President James A. Garfield. Arthur overcame suspicions about his ancestry as a politico by embracing the cause of civil service reform. His advancement for, and enforcement of, the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act was the centerpiece of his administration.
  • stalwart: A member of a faction of the Republican Party toward the end of the nineteenth century. Stalwarts were the "traditional" Republicans who opposed Rutherford B. Hayes'south civil service reform. They were pitted against the Half-Breeds (moderates) for control of the Republican Party. The only real consequence between Stalwarts and Half-Breeds was patronage. The Half-Breeds worked to get civil service reform, and finally created the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act. Stalwarts favored traditional motorcar politics.
  • spoils system: A practice in which a political party, after winning an election, gives authorities jobs to its voters as a reward for their support and as an incentive to go on working for the party.

Rutherford B. Hayes

Civil service reform in the Usa was a major national outcome in the belatedly 1800s and a major land issue in the early 1900s. President Rutherford B. Hayes took office determined to reform the system of civil service appointments, which had been based on the spoils arrangement since Andrew Jackson was president. Instead of giving federal jobs to political supporters, Hayes wished to award them past merit according to an examination that all applicants would accept. Immediately, Hayes's call for reform brought him into disharmonize with the Stalwarts, a pro-spoils branch of the Republican party. Senators of both parties were accustomed to being consulted about political appointments and turned against Hayes. Foremost amongst his enemies was New York Senator Roscoe Conkling, who fought Hayes'southward reform efforts at every plough.

To testify his delivery to reform, Hayes appointed one of the best-known advocates of reform, Carl Schurz, to exist secretary of the Interior and asked Schurz and William M. Evarts, his secretary of country, to lead a special cabinet committee charged with drawing up new rules for federal appointments. John Sherman, the Treasury secretarial assistant, ordered John Jay to investigate the New York Custom Business firm, which was stacked with Conkling's spoilsmen. Jay's report suggested that the New York Custom Firm was so overstaffed with political appointees that 20 percent of the employees were expendable.

Although he could non convince Congress to outlaw the spoils organization, Hayes issued an executive club that forbade federal office holders from beingness required to brand campaign contributions or otherwise taking part in party politics. Chester A. Arthur, the collector of the Port of New York, and his subordinates Alonzo B. Cornell and George H. Sharpe, all Conkling supporters, refused to obey the president's society. In September 1877, Hayes demanded the three men'due south resignations, which they refused to give.

Hayes was forced to await until July 1878 when, during a Congressional recess, he fired Arthur and Cornell and replaced them through the recess appointments of Merritt and Silas Due west. Burt, respectively. Conkling opposed the appointees' confirmation when the Senate reconvened in Feb 1879, merely Merritt was approved past a vote of 31 to 25, as was Burt by 31 to 19, giving Hayes his most significant civil service reform victory. For the residual of his term, Hayes pressed Congress to enact permanent reform legislation, even using his last annual message to Congress on December six, 1880, to appeal for reform. While reform legislation did not pass during Hayes's presidency, his advocacy provided, "a significant precedent too every bit the political impetus for the Pendleton Human action of 1883," which was signed into law by President Chester Arthur.

Pendleton Civil Service Reform Deed

The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act (ch. 27, 22 Stat. 403) of the U.s.a. is a federal law established in 1883 that stipulated that government jobs should exist awarded on the basis of merit. The act provided for the pick of government employees based on competitive exams, rather than on ties to politicians or political affiliation. It likewise made it illegal to fire or bench regime employees for political reasons. To enforce the merit system and the judicial system, the law also created the United States Civil Service Commission.

The Pendleton Act served as a response to the massive public support of civil service reform that grew following President Garfield's assassination. Despite his previous support of the patronage system, Arthur, all the same, became an ardent supporter of civil service reform as president. However, the law as well would prove to be a major political liability for Arthur. The law offended machine politicians within the Republican Party and did not prove to be plenty for the party's reformers; hence, Arthur lost popularity within the Republican Party and was unable to win the political party's Presidential nomination at the 1884 Republican National Convention.

Postal Service Reform

Page from Puck magazine with a cartoon showing Chester Arthur getting kicked out of the New York Custom House by a man holding paper "charges" in front of a sign pointing to Washington D.C. The caption reads: "Another president who had a rise in the world - From the toe-path to the White House"

"From the Toe-Path to the White Firm": Hayes kicking Chester A. Arthur out of the New York Custom Business firm.

President Hayes also dealt with corruption in the postal service. In 1880, Schurz and Senator John A. Logan asked Hayes to shut down the " star route " rings, a organisation of decadent contract profiteering in the Post, and to fire 2d Assistant Postmaster Full general Thomas J. Brady, the alleged ring leader. Hayes stopped granting new star route contracts, but allow existing contracts go along to be enforced. Democrats accused Hayes of delaying proper investigation so as not to injure Republican chances in the 1880 elections only did not press the issue in their entrada literature, as members of both parties were implicated in the abuse. Although Hayes and Congress both looked into the contracts and found no compelling testify of wrongdoing, Brady and others were indicted for conspiracy in 1882. After two trials, the defendants were institute not guilty in 1883.

When Arthur succeeded Garfield, reformers feared that Arthur, as a product of the spoils system, would not devote his administration's free energy to continuing the investigation into the Postal Service scandal. However, when a new trial of Brady was granted due to questions of bribery, Arthur removed five federal officeholders who were sympathetic with the defence, including a one-time senator. The second trial began in December 1882, and lasted until July 1883, but once again, did non outcome in a guilty verdict. Failure to obtain a conviction tarnished the administration's image, but Arthur did succeed in putting a finish to the fraud.

The Scurrilous Campaign

The result of personal character figured prominently in the 1884 presidential campaign.

Learning Objectives

Examine the signature achievements of the Cleveland administration

Central Takeaways

Key Points

  • The presidential campaign of 1884 was marked by an emphasis on personality and scandal.
  • James G. Blaine, the Republican nominee, was implicated in a scandal that involved his burning of several important letters that revealed he took money from corporations in commutation for political influence.
  • Grover Cleveland, the Autonomous nominee, was discovered to accept fathered a child out of wedlock.
  • Though the pop vote was close, Cleveland won in the Electoral College.
  • Early in his presidency, Cleveland focused on political reform of the spoils organisation.
  • Cleveland fought against Republicans to lower import tariffs.

Key Terms

  • mugwump: A Republican political activist who bolted from the U.S. Republican Party by supporting Autonomous candidate Grover Cleveland in the presidential election of 1884.
  • James Grand. Blaine: An American Republican politician who served as a U.Southward. representative, speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, a U.S. senator from Maine, and twice as secretary of state. He was nominated for president in 1884, but was narrowly defeated past Democrat Grover Cleveland.
  • Grover Cleveland: The 22nd and 24th president of the United states, the simply president to serve ii nonconsecutive terms (1885–1889 and 1893–1897), and therefore, the only individual to exist counted twice in the numbering of the presidents.
  • Tariff Act of 1890: A law framed past Representative William McKinley that raised the average duty on imports to almost fifty per centum, an act designed to protect domestic industries from foreign competition.

The event of personal character was paramount in the 1884 presidential entrada. Sometime Speaker of the House James G. Blaine had been prevented from getting the Republican presidential nomination during the previous two elections because of the stigma of the "Mulligan letters." In 1876, a Boston bookkeeper named James Mulligan had located some messages showing that Blaine had sold his influence in Congress to diverse businesses. I such letter ended with the phrase, "burn this letter," from which a popular chant of the Democrats arose: "Burn, burn, fire this letter!" In just one deal, Blaine had received $110,150 ( more than $1.v million in 2010 dollars) from the Picayune Stone and Fort Smith Railroad for securing a federal country grant, amongst other things. Democrats and anti-Blaine Republicans made unrestrained attacks on his integrity as a result.

New York Governor Grover Cleveland, on the other hand, was known as "Grover the Good" for his personal integrity. In the space of the three previous years, he successively had get the mayor of Buffalo and and so the governor of the state of New York, cleaning upwardly large amounts of Tammany Hall 'southward corrupt political machinery.

It came as a tremendous shock when, on July 21, the Buffalo Evening Telegraph reported that Cleveland had fathered a child out of spousal relationship, that the child had gone to an orphanage, and that the female parent had been driven into an aviary. Cleveland's campaign decided that candor was the best approach to this scandal: They admitted that Cleveland had formed an "illicit connection" with the mother and that a child had been born and given the Cleveland surname. They also noted that there was no proof that Cleveland was the father, and claimed that, by bold responsibility and finding a dwelling house for the kid, he was merely doing his duty. Finally, they showed that the mother had not been forced into an aviary. Her whereabouts were unknown.

Cleveland Gains Support

The Democrats held their convention in Chicago the following month and nominated Governor Grover Cleveland of New York. Cleveland's fourth dimension on the national scene was brief, but Democrats hoped that his reputation as a reformer and an opponent of corruption would concenter Republicans dissatisfied with Blaine and his reputation for scandal. They were correct, equally reform-minded Mugwump Republicans denounced Blaine equally corrupt and flocked to Cleveland. The Mugwumps, including such men as Carl Schurz and Henry Ward Beecher, were more concerned with morality than with party politics, and felt Cleveland was a kindred soul who would promote civil service reform and fight for efficiency in government. However, even as the Democrats gained back up from the Mugwumps, they lost some blue-collar workers to the Greenback-Labor political party, led by Benjamin F. Butler, Blaine's antagonist from their early days in the Firm.

After the election, the term "Mugwump" survived for more than a decade as an epithet for a party bolter in American politics. Many Mugwumps became Democrats or remained Independents; most continued to back up reform well into the twentieth century.

The image shows Blaine disrobed. He is dressed in short pants and a bib. His scandals are literally written all over him.

Bernard Gilliam'south "Phryne earlier the Chicago Tribunal": This 1884 cartoon in Puck magazine ridicules Blaine as the tattooed human being, with many indelible scandals. The cartoon image is a parody of Phryne before the Areopagus, an 1861 painting by French creative person Jean-Léon Gérôme.

The Election

Both candidates believed that usa of New York, New Jersey, Indiana, and Connecticut would determine the election. In New York, Blaine received less back up than he anticipated when Arthur and Conkling, withal powerful in the New York Republican party, failed to actively entrada for him. Blaine hoped that he would have more than support from Irish Americans than Republicans typically did. While the Irish were mainly a Democratic constituency in the nineteenth century, Blaine's mother was Irish gaelic Cosmic, and he believed his career-long opposition to the British regime would resonate with the Irish gaelic. Blaine'southward promise for Irish defections to the Republican standard were dashed belatedly in the campaign when one of his supporters, Samuel D. Burchard, gave a speech denouncing the Democrats every bit the party of "Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion." The Democrats spread the word of this insult in the days before the election, and Cleveland narrowly won all four of the swing states, including New York by slightly more than 1,000 votes. While the popular vote total was shut, with Cleveland winning by just ane-quarter of a per centum, the electoral votes gave Cleveland a majority of 219 to 182.

Cleveland'due south Presidency

Soon after taking office, President Grover Cleveland was faced with filling all of the government jobs for which the president had the power of appointment. These jobs were typically filled under the spoils arrangement, simply Cleveland announced that he would not fire whatsoever Republican who was doing his job well. Nor would he appoint anyone solely on the footing of party service. Cleveland also used his appointment powers to reduce the number of federal employees, equally many departments had become bloated with political timeservers.

Later in his term, Cleveland replaced more of the partisan Republican officeholders with Democrats. While some of his decisions were influenced by party concerns, more of Cleveland's appointments were decided past merit alone. Cleveland also reformed other parts of the government. In 1887, he signed an act creating the Interstate Commerce Commission. He as well modernized the navy and canceled construction contracts that had resulted in inferior ships. Cleveland angered railroad investors by ordering an investigation of western lands they held by government grant.

Cleveland and Tariff Reform

The Tariff Human activity of 1890, commonly chosen the " McKinley Tariff," was an act of the U.S. Congress framed by Representative William McKinley that became police on October 1, 1890. The tariff raised the average duty on imports to almost fifty per centum, an act designed to protect domestic industries from foreign contest. Protectionism, a tactic supported by Republicans, was fiercely debated past politicians and condemned past Democrats.

The tariff was not well received by Americans, who suffered a steep increment in the cost of products. In the 1890 election, Republicans House seats went from 166 to only 88. McKinley, the act's framer and defender, was so assassinated. In the 1892 presidential election, Harrison was soundly defeated by Grover Cleveland, and the Senate, House, and presidency were all under Democratic control. Lawmakers immediately started drafting new tariff legislation.

Cleveland's opinion on the tariff was that of most Democrats: The tariff ought to be reduced. American tariffs had been loftier since the Civil War, and past the 1880s, the tariff brought in so much revenue that the government was running a surplus. After reversing the Harrison administration's silver policy, Cleveland sought adjacent to reverse the effects of the McKinley tariff. What would go the Wilson-Gorman Tariff Act was introduced past West Virginian Representative William L. Wilson in Dec 1893. Afterwards lengthy debate, the nib passed the House by a considerable margin. The bill proposed moderate down revisions in the tariff, particularly on raw materials. The shortfall in revenue was to be made up by an income taxation of ii pct on income above $iv,000, ($103,000 U.S. dollars in nowadays terms).

The neb was adjacent considered in the Senate, where opposition was stronger. Cleveland faced opposition from key Democrats, led by Arthur Pue Gorman of Maryland, who insisted on more protection for their states' industries than the Wilson neb allowed. Some voted partly out of a personal enmity toward Cleveland. By the time the bill passed the Senate, it had more than than 600 amendments attached that nullified nigh of the reforms. The Carbohydrate Trust in item lobbied for changes that favored change at the expense of the consumer. Cleveland was outraged with the final bill, and denounced information technology as a disgraceful production of the control of the Senate by trusts and business interests. However, he believed it was an improvement over the McKinley tariff and allowed information technology to get law without his signature.

Republican Reform Nether Harrison

Ceremonious service reform, pension reform, and the "Billion Dollar Congress" characterized the Harrison assistants'south Republican reforms.

Learning Objectives

Outline the legislative achievements of the Benjamin Harrison assistants

Key Takeaways

Key Points

  • In the election of 1888, Republican Benjamin Harrison narrowly defeated incumbent Grover Cleveland.
  • Civil service reform was a prominent issue following Harrison's election. However, he did lilliputian to advance ceremonious service reform during his time in part, fearing Congressional conflict.
  • Harrison enacted the Dependent and Disability Pension Human action in 1890, granting pensions to all disabled Civil War veterans regardless of the crusade of their disability.
  • The 51st Congress was nicknamed the "Billion Dollar Congress" for its massive spending. This Congress was also responsible for a number of pieces of landmark legislation, many of which expanded the authority of the federal regime.
  • Two significant pieces of legislation that would have removed some of the voting barriers faced by African Americans failed to proceeds Congress's approving.

Key Terms

  • Billion Dollar Congress: The 51st U.S. Congress, criticized for its lavish spending, that met from 1889 to 1891, during the first two years of the administration of President Benjamin Harrison.
  • Dependent and Disability Alimony Act: A federal human activity that provided pensions for all Union Army veterans who had served 90 days and who were unable to perform manual labor, whether or not the cause of their disability was related to their service in the American Ceremonious State of war. The human action also provided pensions for minors, dependent parents, and widows of veterans.
  • Pendleton Deed: A federal police established in 1883 that stipulated that government jobs should be awarded on the basis of merit.

The 1888 election for president of the U.s.a. saw Grover Cleveland of New York, the incumbent president and a Democrat, try to secure a second term against the Republican nominee, Benjamin Harrison, a old U.South. Senator from Indiana. Tariff policy was the chief issue in the election. Harrison took the side of industrialists and manufacturing plant workers who wanted to keep tariffs high, while Cleveland strenuously denounced high tariffs as unfair to consumers. His opposition to Ceremonious War pensions and inflated currency as well fabricated enemies among veterans and farmers. On the other hand, he held a potent hand in the South and edge states, and appealed to former Republican Mugwumps. The economic system was prosperous and the nation was at peace, but Cleveland lost reelection in the Electoral College, even though he won a plurality of the popular vote past a narrow margin. Harrison was sworn into function on March 4, 1889.

Civil Service Reform

Ceremonious service reform was a prominent issue following Harrison's ballot. Harrison had campaigned as a supporter of the merit system, every bit opposed to the spoils system. Although some U.South. civil service jobs had been classified under the Pendleton Act by previous administrations, Harrison spent much of his first months in office deciding on political appointments.

Congress was widely divided on the issue, and Harrison was reluctant to address the upshot because he feared alienating either side. The effect became a political football of the time and was immortalized in a cartoon captioned, "What tin I do when both parties insist on kicking?" Harrison appointed Theodore Roosevelt and Hugh Smith Thompson, both reformers, to the Civil Service Commission, just otherwise did little to further the reform cause.

Pension Reform

Harrison, who wears a large top hat, is shown pouring a bag of coins labelled "$ 100,000,000 Surplus Left by Cleveland in 1882" into a hold labelled "Billion Dollarism Hole."

The "Billion Dollar Congress": In this cartoon from Puck, Benjamin Harrison and the "Billion Dollar Congress" are portrayed every bit wasting the surplus.

Harrison speedily saw the enactment of the Dependent and Disability Pension Act in 1890, a cause he had championed while in Congress. In addition to providing pensions to disabled Civil War veterans, regardless of the cause of their disability, the act depleted some of the troublesome federal upkeep surplus. Pension expenditures reached $135 1000000 under Harrison, the largest expenditure of its kind at that point in American history, a problem exacerbated by Alimony Bureau commissioner James R. Tanner's expansive interpretation of the pension laws.

The 51st Congress

The 51st U.S. Congress, referred to by some critics as the "Billion Dollar Congress," was a coming together of the legislative co-operative of the U.S. federal government that met in Washington, D.C., from March 4, 1889, to March 4, 1891, during the beginning two years of the administration of President Benjamin Harrison.

Legislative Achievements

The 51st Congress was responsible for a number of pieces of landmark legislation, many of which expanded the authority of the federal government. Emboldened by their success in the elections of 1888, the Republicans enacted virtually their entire platform during their first 303-mean solar day session, including a mensurate that provided American Civil War veterans with generous pensions and expanded the list of eligible recipients to include noncombatants and the children of veterans. Grover Cleveland had vetoed a like bill in 1887. The 51st Congress was criticized every bit the "Billion Dollar Congress'" for its lavish spending, and for this reason, it incited drastic reversals in public support that led to Cleveland'south reelection in 1892.

Economic and Trade Legislation

Other important legislation passed into law by the Congress included the McKinley tariff, authored past representative, and future president, William McKinley. The Sherman Antitrust Act, which prohibited business combinations that restricted trade, and the Sherman Silver Purchase Act, which required the U.S. government to mint silver were both authored by Senator John Sherman.

National Forests

The 51st Congress besides was responsible for passing the State Revision Act of 1891, which created the national forests. Harrison authorized America's showtime forest reserve in Yellowstone, Wyoming, the same yr.

Significant Legislation That Failed

Other bills were discussed but failed to pass, including two significant pieces of legislation focused on ensuring African Americans the right to vote. Henry Cabot Society sponsored a then-called Lodge Bill that would have established federal supervision of congressional elections so as to prevent the disfranchisement of southern blacks. Henry W. Blair sponsored the Blair Education Bill, which advocated the apply of federal help for didactics in society to frustrate Southern whites employing literacy tests to prevent blacks from registering to vote.

What Are The Implications Of Civil Service Reform In Georgia,


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